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[IC] Reizen Civil War

Len Palace, Essela Military Base, near Grovne
Meeting Between the Sedunnic Foreign Minister Hevv Gjieramm and the Supreme Commander General Maks Fejellienn

"And the Transsunerians haven't called for assistance?" asked the General.

"They haven't." The Foreign Minister was deeply concerned.

"Then, legally we cannot deploy our garrison before they ask us to. We can't even send ground reinforcements."

"This is humiliating, both for us and them. We can't make good on our guarantee of independence. What will our partners think of us?"

"Two of our submarines are already on the way to asses the strength of the RIM submarine forces. Lusuvvd class" nodded the General, as to reaffirm their capabilities. "However, we need air supremacy to send reinforcements, should it be requested, so we must detach surface combatants too. One Vetem class destroyer should be able to cover the archipelago, but needs frigate escort."

"But most ships provide ground support for the 1st Expeditionary Division in Reizen, right?"

"Or, they are deployed elsewhere. Yes."

"So sending frigates will reduce ground support?"

"Correct. But once we have driven the RIM off, we should send an attack fighter squadron to Credence Airfield. They shall compensate them well."

"If the Frost allow us. I will ask them. But what would we send to Transsuneria? Our special forces are exhausted and the airmobile forces are tied in Reizen. I know we have reserves, but the question is if we should spend them? We may need them in Reizen."

"While we shouldn't celebrate just yet, the ongoing battle so far is a resounding success. Losses on our side are relatively low. The enemy losses are staggering. We estimate ten to twenty-fold, and most importantly, their heavy artillery is taking heavy losses as well. But! A victory needs to be followed up, otherwise it is worthless. The theatre will open up for large-scale manoeuvres, but only briefly. We could deploy the rest of our expeditionary corps while we have leverage, but I believe we are doing enough already. Wouldn't you agree?"

"We are doing more than anyone expected or has the right to ask of us. Or rather, our troops are."

"Then you will talk to the Frost about this? We can support them with what we have now, minus most surface combatants, plus the fighter squadron."

"Will do."

"In the meantime, I will divert the reconnaissance satellite currently over Reizen. We must start learning what's going on on Karelins."


The Sedunnic Foreign Minister contacted the Frost authorities, explaining the Sedunnic plan, requesting permission to send a fighter squadron to Credence Airfield if successfully defended.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
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(02-12-2020, 11:54 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:
While Minister Kuribayashi was discussing the situation to her Bruuman Counterpart, she wrote the following letter in response to the Finixi letter:

Office of the Ministery of Foreign Affairs
Oured, Frost Empire

Chief Finix Fi'shi

The Frost Empire is also concerned about the Insurgency's increasingly erratic actions, and will be happy to accommodate you in a meeting with our officials. The Empire has noted the erratic behavior of the insurgents, and express our heartfelt condolences to the families who have endured so much only to be robbed of closure.


Nagisa Kuribayashi

Nagisa Kuribayashi
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Frost Empire

Honorable Nagisa Kuribayashi,

Tell me where to meet and I'll be there.  Thank you for offering to meet with us.

Finix Fi'Shi
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The Peony sipped her tea as she watched the news, in between surgical procedures at the hospital.

"What the fuck is going on.." She said to herself, unaware that her fellow surgeons and nurses are there sitting with her.

Put a little effort everyday and it will stack up and create a foundation for you.

- Doraemon

[Image: 5bDBXB8.png] [Image: Gny2SfF.png] [Image: tUG5vUH.png]

Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplay 2020
Treasure Island Awards Best Roleplayer 2020
Cocos Winner for Best Character Writer 2017
Cocos Winner for Best International Event 2017
Cocos Winner for Best Overall RP 2017

Things to know: Medical Intern and Biomedical Scientist from Indonesia, Muslim, 188 metres tall, loves trains
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Reports had trickled in over the comms that other ambushes had occurred throughout the night as the Sedunners somehow slipped past the net and called in long range artillery fire on convoys destroying multiple canons and countless vehicles. However, there were reports that several convoys were also untouched thanks to the net catching some of the Sedunners before they could set up ambush points. 

Sgt. Ko Mimasaka meanwhile couldn't believe her luck as the survivors of Convoy Echo managed to reach their designated site. They had lost roughly 35% of the convoy to the enemy and many escort Technicals to the Sedunners in additional combat. The Sergeant shuddered to think what would have happened if She and Shimura had missed the hill as she recalled the deafening roar of artillery shells that hit rear of the convoy as they barely drove past. Now, two days into the battle for the airfield, the Technical escorts were tasked as light skirmishers, and low tech messengers to prevent the enemy from intercepting communications.

The artillery pieces that she was responsible for escorting were destroyed in the days of fighting. Now she and her men were driving the survivors back to the Third Battlegroup Command Center. Mimasaka watched her surroundings as she tapped the hood of the technical, grabbing the attention of the two men, "boys." she started to say, "Yea sarge," the driver responded. "If we survive this battle, drinks are on me." the sergeant says. The driver jokingly responds, "Well **** Sarge, you're putting a lot of pressure on me to keep us alive and not crash" the driver's tone quickly changes to a more somber tone as he continues, "Thank you sarge, We probably wouldn't have made it in one piece [mentally] if not for you." "Right, now lets deliver them to the third battlegroup command"

First Battlegroup

Commander Ikko's face barely showed emotion as he watched the Martyrs and Regulars withdraw from the airfield in yet another failed assault.  The Burning wreckage of technicals served as cover for the retreating troop, but also discharged the foul stench of burning flesh that mixed with the mustard smell of the chemicals that saturated the airfield.
The Commander had hoped that the Sedunners would be demoralized by now after facing endless hordes and clouds of mustard and sarin gas that rained down from above. However, the lines held, and the stream of chemical weapons dwindled as the hours went by. "What are the Third Battlegroup doing?! We need that artillery support!" growled the Commander as he ordered the next wave to push forward.

"sir!" a voice cried out.

"What!" growled the Commander as he turned around to see a messenger.

"Third Battlegroup has lost 70% of their guns and are contemplating a retreat back to friendly lines." 

"What?! NO!" Roared the Commander in anger, "We swore to fight to the LAST MAN! How dare those cowards prioritize their lives over the Revolution!" The commander's fist slammed against the trench wall.

"Sir, the Third are asking that the First Battlegroup retreat and reorganize along a new defensive line. your response?"

The Commander Grabbed the Messenger's collar pinning him against the trench wall, terrifying the poor soldier, and spoked
"Boy... Tell the Cowards that the First will not retreat and fight to the last man standing." The commander then let go of the messenger and watched the next wave charge in, their war cry muddied by the desperate calls for help and anguish.
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Finix stepped into one of the planes that the FiHami airline Ari Fi had given to the government, destination Ikireijin. The meeting would be monumental, she thought.

"Ki Ha'Coron', please take a seat. Would you like a snack before taking off?"

A very energetic young man asked, presenting a bouquet of flowers to the most powerful person on the tiny island.

"I am fine, thank you. Just give me the wifi password and tell the pilot to be quick, the Frost Empire is awaiting our arrival and I would hate to be late."

Finix replied blandly, pushing the bouquet of flowers back to the young man, who suddenly lost all the spark in his eyes. She took her seat and grabbed her tablet, and quickly took to scrolling through the news as soon as the man gave her the wifi password.

From: Safia Kokostali
To: Finix Fi'Shi

Ki Ha'Coron'

Safe travels to the Frost Empire. In the attatchment I have enclosed a file that contains a summary of our investigations on the prison and a list of all prisoners not accounted for. If needed, I hope the Frost Empire could make good use of this.

If FiHami does end up supporting the Empire militarily, people might get angry. But it does have the possibility of calming things down in regards to the Men's Rights movement, or it could just fuel it further.

I pray you make the right decisions and say the right things.

Safia Kokostali

Finix prayed that she wouldn't need to enter another war, after thinking about the struggles back home. But, she would be willing to do what was necessary, if the representatives from Frost felt like the like the RIM and Antarchi posed enough of a threat.

(03-08-2020, 12:31 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:  "Is that so... However, i find it hard to believe that the WPR and your allies would subordinate themselves let alone allow themselves to be integrated in the current Frost-Sedunnic Offensive. That being said the WPR's continued cooperation is of course still vital for peaceful post war negotiations, but what's the catch?

"I'm not talking about neither subordination nor integration, merely about active and constant military coordination. The catch, from our point of view, is that simultaneous and coordinated offensives from your forces and our comrades could deal a crippling blow to RIM, which otherwise has proved to be resilient to single-sided attacks, as its ability to acquire new allies and new forces proves. We see as much real the risk of prolonged military stalemate, which is not in the interest of anyone".

Outskirts of Credence Airfield
122nd Parachute Company

Private Jimm Timmlu looked over at his squad members next to him in the foxhole. As if they would have miraculously came back to life. Pomerantsev still had a hole through his throat and corporal Yp's eyes still gazed into the void. Her face was covered by froth, no doubt a result of whatever crap was in those shells. Had the mask failed, or had she taken it for some reason?

All Visa, all Visa: from Visa Yses, friendly artillery, friendly artillery, danger close, danger close.

It was the radio. What did the platoon commander mean? They had already had artillery support from the grenade launcher company throughout the battle, and even from the navy. Timmlu decided it was best to do as he was trained. He slid down the muddy wall and slammed his forehead into the contaminated goo to protect his eyes from shrapnel. Then it occurred to him. It was the 14th Rocket Artillery Battalion. They were finally in range!

Just before the first bursts drowned it out, he could hear that war cry again.

Welcome to hell, Sarin boys!

He soon learned the meaning of 'danger close'. Even though he wasn't on the receiving end, his blood seemed to freeze in sheer dread.

Len Palace, Essela Military Base, near Grovne
Upon receiving the response from the Imperial Frost Army Headquarters, the Supreme Commander immediately ordered the 1st Strike Squadron in Dullivv to mobilise and prepare to ferry to Reizen. He also confirmed to the Frost that he would send Colonel Sohelienn of the Expeditionary Corps' Headquarters to them.

The Supreme Commander smiled mischievously as he though about him. He was a short, florid and quite an old man. He seemed to lack humour, and if a gaze could kill, he would be a mass murderer. But few had his sense of logic. They also said he was the one who had drafted the invasion of Transsuneria, hailed for the success in coordinating the forces of Sedunn and Karnetvor that had been on the brink of war not many years prior, and still rapidly overwhelming Soormann's forces. The Grumpy Pig would do well over there.
Manager of the TSP and A1-0 maps
Roleplay moderator

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(03-10-2020, 05:38 AM)VPRB Wrote:
(03-08-2020, 12:31 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote:  "Is that so... However, i find it hard to believe that the WPR and your allies would subordinate themselves let alone allow themselves to be integrated in the current Frost-Sedunnic Offensive. That being said the WPR's continued cooperation is of course still vital for peaceful post war negotiations, but what's the catch?

"I'm not talking about neither subordination nor integration, merely about active and constant military coordination. The catch, from our point of view, is that simultaneous and coordinated offensives from your forces and our comrades could deal a crippling blow to RIM, which otherwise has proved to be resilient to single-sided attacks, as its ability to acquire new allies and new forces proves. We see as much real the risk of prolonged military stalemate, which is not in the interest of anyone". 

"I see... however, partial integration, such as establishing a firm command structure is a necessary component of the joint offensive. Otherwise we'll face issues of cooperation as neither party will recognize the other's authority. And for one, I do believe that you and members of the WPR's political/military leadership would not tolerate their officers being disrespected because their ranks didn't reflect their proper authority, much like how we ourselves wouldn't appreciate the same being done." she replied as a matter of fact.
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(03-25-2020, 07:53 PM)Imperial Frost Federation Wrote: "I see... however, partial integration, such as establishing a firm command structure is a necessary component of the joint offensive. Otherwise we'll face issues of cooperation as neither party will recognize the other's authority. And for one, I do believe that you and members of the WPR's political/military leadership would not tolerate their officers being disrespected because their ranks didn't reflect their proper authority, much like how we ourselves wouldn't appreciate the same being done." she replied as a matter of fact. 

"I understand" replied Hunt, examining a cigar with his free hand "Let's at least try to keep going what we have now. I wish you good day and good work, Minister".
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